
Productos / Products

Ordenamos tú pieza como:   teclados de laptops, tarjetas de memorias, tarjetas inalambricas, discos duros, cover, etc. Se te rompio la pantalla de tú laptop? No te preocupes, Arcangel Computer te ordena la pieza y te la instalamos.

Ordain you piece as keyboards laptops, memory cards, wireless cards, hard drives, cover, etc. You broke the screen of your laptop? Do not worry, Arcangel Computer, orders the part and you installed it.

Tel: (210)303-2486

Clean Virus in Computer

Extensive virus removal and cleaning system. Reinstall Operating System.

Free Estimate

Review your equipment at no cost, we tell what happens and you decide whether you want to repair.

Clean Virus in Tablet and Smartphones

Tablets and smartphones clean installed virus.

We perform the wipe of these systems.